About Cloud Gaming Catalogue

Welcome to the Cloud Gaming Catalogue. With cloud gaming on the rise, multiple cloud gaming services are already a thing. Big names in the industry, such as Microsoft, Nvidia and Sony, already have their own cloud gaming services. And newcomers Amazon and Boosteroid have gotten a footing in the industry as well. With these five services offering various business models, the cloud gaming landscape is already becoming confusing to new cloud gamers.

As with video streaming, games are starting to get fragmented over different services. Mainly due to exclusivity rights. The Cloud Gaming Catalogue will attempt to offer a complete catalogue of every game (previously) available on these services. The Cloud Gaming Catalogue also offers game pages for popular games not available on cloud gaming services. This ensures you’ll find the game in our catalogue including information that it’s not available, instead of no search results. We’ve noticed that If you want to play a specific game, come here and look it up. You’ll see where you can play it. Or if you’re just curious which platform has the most games in the genre of your choosing, this is the place to be. Just click on the “Cloud Gaming Catalogue” button in the menu above and get started.

Contact us!

If you spot any mistakes in the Cloud Gaming Catalogue or have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@cloudgamingcatalogue.com.

Additionally, if you have interest in reviewing games for us, be sure to contact us as well.