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List of PS5 Cloud Streaming Games

Earlier this month, PlayStation announced their upcoming plans for cloud gaming starting this month. Not only will the quality of cloud streaming increase dramatically, they’ll also offer additional features. One of the biggest new features is allowing bought games to be streamed. This new feature is live in parts of the world. Without any official list, we’ve compiled a list of PS5 cloud streaming games. And it’s an incredibly impressive list. From the biggest AAA exclusives to critically acclaimed indie games and low profile games. Tons to discover.

The list below is sorted in alphabetical order. Take note!

Only on PlayStation 5… For now

The games in the list of PS5 cloud streaming games are only streamable from a PlayStation 5, for now. The biggest use case for cloud gaming is to be able to enjoy your games on any device, while maintaining your progress. So this use case seems to miss it’s mark.

However, there are still interesting use cases. You’ll be able to try games before installing them. If you don’t like the game, no need to wait for the download. And some games which have a Trial option are very well suited for this.

Additionally storage space is precious nowadays, with games growing bigger in size each quarter. There are always certain games you’ll want to get back to every now and then. Not needing them to stay installed on your PlayStation 5 seems like a great way to easily get back to them.

The future

Despite some good use cases, the biggest advantage and selling point of cloud gaming is being hardware or device independent. All competing cloud gaming services allow you to play on many different devices. We estimate, and this is pure speculation on our part, that this is definitely Sony’s long term plan. But allowing only PlayStation 5 users with specific use cases to test out their new PS5 Cloud Streaming functionality seems like a good way to test their infrastructure. Competitors such as Google and Amazon have been burned out of the cloud gaming space by going too hard and too fast. And others such as Microsoft seem to have landed in a status quo. Despite a solid cloud gaming service, Microsoft hasn’t expanded it’s feature set in a while.

Either way, time will tell what the future holds. For now, here’s the list of PS5 cloud streaming games which PlayStation has started with.

























You can check out the full PS5 Cloud Streaming catalogue here.

That was it for the list of PS5 cloud streaming games. If you spot any errors, be sure to e-mail us. You can follow our Twitter account to keep up with the latest additions to Cloud Gaming.

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