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New search and filter options now available

The Cloud Gaming Catalogue is available for well over a year now. Looking back at where it started, it’s come a long way. But we’re not done improving just yet! New search and filter options are now available. New genres and tags have been added. We’ve added these because we’ve seen demands from the internet for these specific search options. Scroll on down below for an explanation and breakdown of each new option.

Isometric Action RPG genre

One of the new genres is the Isometric Action RPG. Previously, there was just an Action RPG genre. This combined games like Diablo IV with games like Elden Ring. While they are both Action RPG’s, both play very differently. By adding the Isometric Action RPG genre, we were able to differentiate between those two very different categories. You can check out the full list here. Below, you’ll find some games available in the Isometric Action RPG list:

Relaxing Genre

We’ve seen an increasing amount of questions regarding games that are meant to chill, relax and without (much) combat. We’ve decided to make a genre for “Relaxing” games. Games that don’t have stress based factors such as time restrictions, enemies, health and so on. You can go through them at your own pace. And there’s some amazing gems between them. Check out the full list here. Below you’ll find some examples of Relaxing games.

Side Scrolling Action & Side Scrolling Shooter games

Games like Mega Man, Hollow Knight, Dead Cells and Metal Slug were previously defined as 2D Platformers and Action games combined. While technically true, it led to the 2D Platform genre becoming filled with action oriented games. True platformers started to fade to the background. By implementing Side Scrolling Action and Side Scrolling Shooter genres, we’ve further refined our search options. They are two very specific genres, with platforming elements but focusing on the action. You can find the full list of Side Scrolling Action games here and the full list of Side Scrolling Shooters here. Below you’ll find some examples:

Base Building Tag

Base Building is a popular feature many games provide. It’s so popular, there’s an entire subreddit committed to games that offer this feature. We’ve seen questions from time to time wondering what base building games are available. That’s why we decided to implement a base building tag. If enabled, you’ll only see games that offer a base building element. You can find the full list of base building games here. Below, you’ll find some examples of base building games:

Story Driven tag

And last but not least, the Story Driven tag. Many gamers, myself included, love games which are story driven. Where the main objective is following the story and playing through the game. Demand for these games keeps increasing and this is not tied to a specific genre. That’s why we decided to make the Story Driven tag. You can find the full list of games here. Below you’ll find some examples of Story Driven games:

We hope you enjoy these new search and filter options. As ever, suggestions or corrections can always be mailed to Follow us on Twitter to keep up with the latest additions.

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