Amazon Luna June 2023 games

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The new games for Amazon Luna in June have been announced. Sadly, there’s not a lot to get excited about. Two titles will be joining the service, with some leaving as well. They’re still quality titles however. Amazon has announced their new additions to Amazon Luna for June 2023. On the first day of the month, four new games will rotate into the Prime Gaming Channel. Keep reading for what to expect from the Amazon Luna June 2023 games.

Two new games + Prime gaming channel changes

Two new games are set to join the service. First up is Perish, an atmospheric horror title. In Perish, players begin their journey with nothing but a broken sword and play as an amyetri, a corporeal spirit condemned to live a shadow life in the halfway realm of Purgatory. Players will slay hordes of creatures on the black sands of Purgatory and sell their gold-stained corpses to the craven priests.

The second game is Haven. In Haven, Yu and Kay have escaped to a forgotten planet, leaving everything they knew behind. Players can explore the planet looking for parts and materials to fix their ship and make a home in an unknown world. In this unexpected RPG adventure, players can control two lovers at the same time and explore the beautifully eerie and unstable planet while enjoying the thrilling soundtrack of renowned musician, DANGER.

Additionally, four new games will be rotated into the Prime Gaming channel. Members of Amazon Prime can play these games for free, starting June 1st:

That was it for the Amazon Luna June 2023 games. Stay tuned.



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